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Embracing Simplicity: How Traveling Light Changed My Life

travel minimalism

Are you dreaming of easier family trips and a simpler life?

I have a story to share that might inspire you 🙂

A few weeks back, my family and I embarked on a trip to Japan. It was an adventure, to say the least, with two adults and a lively toddler in tow. We needed to make our journey as smooth as possible. And that's where the idea of traveling light first came into play.

Traveling with a Toddler

Traveling with a toddler can be challenging, especially when you're weighed down by heaps of luggage. So, we decided to pack light. Just a small bag each, and off we went. It was a revelation! Checking in and moving around in Japan became a breeze. No more lugging heavy suitcases, and no more struggling with excess stuff.

Returning from Japan, I started to think about all the things back home. It was like a light bulb moment. Most of it wasn't needed. I realized we could live with less, and that's how our journey towards minimalism began.

De really need this?

Back home, the first step was decluttering. We looked at our belongings and asked a simple question: "Do we really need this?" The answer was often "no." Mainly, it was clothing and items that we rarely or never used. So, we packed them away or let them go.

Minimalism, we found, can be liberating. Renting out our house on Airbnb played a big role. To make space for our guests, we put most of our stuff in boxes. We got comfortable with this arrangement and realized we only needed the essentials.

Our house still has many boxes, but it doesn't bother us. It's a challenge to go through them and decide what to do with the items inside. Some things remind me of fun times, others just of their price tag, and some are tied to projects I still want to start. It's an emotional journey to let go.

You need less then you think

What I've learned, especially from my clothing, is that we need much less than we think. I wear the same things until they need replacing, and it makes life simpler. No more deciding what to wear every day, and no more constant tidying up or sorting through stuff.

My wardrobe now holds just a few outfits that I default to. It's a revelation – less stuff, less hassle, and more time for what truly matters.

Start small

So, if you're looking to simplify your life, consider living with less. You'll discover that many things don't bring you joy, and memories aren't lost when items are discarded. Minimalism stops the constant cycle of tidying up and going through stuff. It's like a breath of fresh air in a cluttered world.

Start small. Pack away things you don't use often, and see how it feels. You might be surprised at how liberating it can be.

By traveling light and embracing minimalism, you can create a simpler, happier life ❤️ It's a journey worth taking.